Case Study A
Developing a rapid results plan to help a nonprofit organization in transition to fulfill its mission and develop a path to sustainability and success…
The Challenge:
To help the leadership of a non-profit organization develop a plan to help them through a transitional period of growth.
The Outcome/Result:
ML Consulting provided facilitation of a board and staff retreat that generated the group’s vision for fulfilling its mission and improving organizational capacity. ML Consulting worked collaboratively with the leadership to design a retreat agenda and planning process that improved board and staff participation and buy-in to a plan to guide organizational change and growth.
Case Study B
Developing a Strategic Plan to be used as a living document and management tool for an organization working on sustainability and growth…
The Challenge:
To help an organization develop a strategic plan to guide the future direction of the organization and create goals to achieve better results.
The Outcome/Result:
ML Consulting worked with the Executive Leadership, board, and staff to identify strengths and the most critical areas needing improvement through assessment of data and input from key stakeholders. ML Consulting provided facilitation and technical assistance to the work team to develop a strategic plan that is meaningful and actionable.
Case Study C
Achieving results after months of feeling stuck with an ineffective system…
The Challenge:
To build consensus among a group of a diverse organizations by making system-wide improvements to improve outcomes for children with behavioral health needs.
The Outcome/Result:
ML Consulting worked with the leaders of several organizations to bring key players together to analyze the problem from the child and families’ position of interest. We established a shared strategy to improve outcomes so that the child’s experience improves. ML Consulting facilitated the problem-solving process so that leaders could fully participate in developing solutions.